When you ask Public Librarians why they do what they do, a good amount of them will reply with something along the lines, of "the community outreach" or "making a difference" or “I like working
with people” and other randomness along those lines, which tends to be true. As
I sit in the library listening to children growl at each other and throw
stuffed animals across the room while their care takers do goodness only knows
what, I remind you readers that we are also human, we can be driven to the brinks
of insanity and question our life choices.
That being said, I’m
at the point where I’m questioning some of my choices. Are the small
screaming children driving me a little crazy… yup, but that’s not what I’m
talking about. Right before summer I met with the local high school principal
and discussed ways that we can bring the public library to the school. I
purposed something that I knew I could handle with very few problems, lunch
time books clubs (an idea I stole from a friend of mine in Chicago). Kids who
want to talk about books can come hang out with me at lunch, and we do book
chats and suggest new books to each other. My friend even came up with a way to
calculate the circulation of the books that the public library as bringing to
the school. (That’s a separate discussion) By the conclusion of the meeting I
had with the principal my initial idea had been scrapped, I had spent time
talking to an actual class and they had ideas that were very different
from mine. Something about competition, Jeopardy, points, awards, winning
things, and other randomness. I’m not sure what happened, but it all happened
very quickly, and then I was left with the summer to think about it and freak
out a little bit.
I want to reach out to
teens; I want to show them that books don’t have to be the enemy. I want to
show them that they aren’t alone in the world, these authors and the characters
they’ve created understand them. I want these teens to learn to empathize with
others and consider ideas they may never have thought of before. But… I have a
hard time getting anyone to show up for my book club, or come to author Skype
chats. I worry that by the Principal assigning me a class room and coming in
once a month to do “something” with books, the kids will feel forced into it
and rebel, particularly since I’m not a teacher and “they don’t have to listen
to me anyway.” (I can just hear someone saying that now.) The lunch book club
let kids who were interested approach me. Throwing me into a classroom seems
like I’m being forced upon them.
I may be thinking too
hard about this (#librarianproblems) I just don’t want to go into the situation
and realize that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew and look up and begin to
question my life choices. What to do, what to do????
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