Thursday, April 18, 2013

New plan

I began a Teen Advisory Group three months ago. Unfortunately we've only met once because I had a major car breakdown the same day as last months meeting. Our next meeting is next Thursday and I wanted to do something that helped to solidify the kids that come to TAG and hopefully attract some new kids as well.

My plan is to have the kids ban together and plan a program. I want to sit back and have them come up with an idea, a day for the programs, and steps to execute their program. I'm going to have them ban together to create a flyer and post those flyers up in the library and around their schools. I can say that I do have an advantage because I've got TAG members from at least three different schools.

The overall plan is to relinquish some of the control, I want them to feel like they have a say and I want them to know that I care about their thoughts and idea (although admittedly some of those ideas may have to be turned down). I don't want to just purpose programs and have the TAG members show up to set up, participate, and clean up, that hardly seems fair or fun.

This is my idea and I hope it works, the biggest issue I run into is getting permission to let kids plan or participate hands on. I know how immature teens can be, and I know that sometimes it take a little bit of extra effort to make them focus, but I think that at the end of the day, something great can be accomplished.


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